winter catalogue

hi everyone 

I am working on the winter story's show catalogue,
the catalogue will work as a collage 
Each project with collaborators will have 6 pages (3 facing double pages)

benj sarah 2x6pages
marthe katia 2x6 pages
jeanne marie 1x6 pages
dere jo david 1x6 pages
dere jo 1x6 pages
david aymeric 1X6 pages
emeric benj 1X6 pages
julie katia 1X6 pages
julie eyesnears 1X6 pages
maxime santa 1X6 pages
marie hanna 1x6 pages
hanna dere 1x6 pages

total of 84 pages

the pages are in A4 format 

4  pages have to show the process of develloping your project 
influences discussion shema texte (french and english)...
and the last double page show the work 

its not a portfolio 
you can use only the project made througt the research made for the show 
Workshop archi Paf Collider etc but not other project made outside this 6 month research 

the typo and grahic design is your own 

the idears is to give you a space 6 double pages to work with your collaborators 
you devellop you research has you wish and share with us your questions devellopment etc 
the work itself will be show in the 2 last page (one double page) 
and the 4 first pages (2 double page ) are for your process 

the size is A4 format jpeg 72 dpi 
make sure that your photo are not pixelise for the print 

deadline 15 of december 

if any questions 
dont hesitate 


have a look on last event to see  few images of the show !